We guide you on your path to inner well-being.
We guide you on your path to inner well-being.

Accessible care for everyone
At APS ProClinics, we have modern outpatient care centers located throughout the island, so you can access the care you need no matter where you are.
Healthcare professionals ready to help you.
Adult, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatrists.
Addiction Counselors.
Social Workers.
Nurses and General Practitioners.
We help you manage
Emotional Issues
Psychiatric Conditions
Pediatric Disorders
Substance Abuse or Addiction
Our Services
Swipe to discover all our services

Grupos de Apoyo
Nuestros grupos te ofrecen la oportunidad de compartir experiencias, recibir apoyo mutuo y aprender estrategias para enfrentar problemas junto a personas con situaciones similares.
Aquí, encontrarás comprensión y ayuda para desarrollar destrezas sociales y emocionales.
Beneficios de los grupos de apoyo:
- Recibe el apoyo de personas que comprenden por lo que estás pasando.
- Desarrolla destrezas sociales y emocionales en un entorno de apoyo mutuo.
- Comparte experiencias y estrategias de afrontamiento con otros que enfrentan desafíos similares.
- Comparte con una comunidad que te comprende tu problema y te apoya.
- Fortalecer tu autoestima y confianza en ti mismo/a.
Support Groups
Our groups provide the opportunity to share experiences, receive mutual support, and learn strategies to cope with issues alongside others facing similar situations.
Benefits of Support Groups:
- Receive support from people who understand what you're going through.
- Develop social and emotional skills in a supportive environment.
- Share experiences and coping strategies with others facing similar challenges.
- Connect with a community that understands your struggles and supports you.
- Strengthen your self-esteem and confidence.

Tratamiento para Abuso de Sustancias
Realizamos evaluaciones y diagnósticos personalizados para cada paciente. Además, creamos planes de tratamiento específicos para cada caso y proporcionamos un apoyo integral a la familia durante todo el proceso de recuperación.
Adicción a abusos de sustancias como:
- Drogas
- Alcohol
- Tabaco
- Medicamentos recetados
Substance Abuse or Addiction
We conduct personalized evaluations and diagnoses for each patient. Additionally, we create tailored treatment plans for each case and provide comprehensive support to the family throughout the recovery process.
Addiction to substance abuse such as:
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Prescription Medications

Psychological Therapy
Ofrecemos un servicio integral de Terapia Psicológica Individual, de pareja, familiar y grupal. Diseñado para ayudarte a superar problemas emocionales y mejorar tus relaciones interpersonales.
Problemas emocionales e interpersonales como:
- Situaciones de pareja y familiares
- Manejo del coraje
- Manejo del estrés
Psychological Therapy
We offer a comprehensive service of individual, couples, family, and group psychological therapy, designed to help you overcome emotional issues and improve your interpersonal relationships.
Emotional and interpersonal issues such as
- Relationship and family challenges
- Anger management
- Stress management

Evaluación y Tratamientos Psiquiátricos
Nos especializamos en evaluar situaciones psiquiátricas completas para adultos, niños y adolescentes. Nuestro equipo se dedica a comprender las necesidades y experiencias únicas de cada paciente, utilizando un enfoque personalizado y compasivo para el diagnóstico y tratamiento
Condiciones Psiquiátricas como:
- Depresión
- Ansiedad
- Esquizofrenia
- Bipolaridad
- Trastorno para el uso de sustancias (adicción)
Desórdenes pediátricos como:
- Déficit de atención
- Hiperactividad
- Problemas de conducta
- Condiciones relacionadas con el autismo
Tenga en cuenta que todos los pacientes deben ser evaluados inicialmene por un psicólogo antes de ser derivados a un especialista en psiquiatría.
Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment
We specialize in conducting comprehensive psychiatric evaluations for adults, children, and adolescents. Our team is dedicated to understanding the unique needs and experiences of each patient, using a personalized and compassionate approach for diagnosis and treatment.
Psychiatric conditions such as:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- Substance use disorders (addiction)
Pediatric disorders such as:
- Attention deficit
- Hyperactivity
- Behavioral issues
- Autism-related conditions
Please note that all patients must first be evaluated by a psychologist before being referred to a psychiatric specialist.

Apoyo Psicosocial
Nuestro servicio de apoyo psicosocial se centrea en brindar apoyo a las personas que engrentan situaciones difíciles que impactan su bienestar mental, emocional y social. Para lograrlo, realizamos intervenciones dentro de grupos sociales específicos y abordamos las necesidades que promueven una interacción social sana.
Psychosocial Support
Our psychosocial support service focuses on providing assistance to people facing difficult situations that impact their mental, emotional, and social well-being. To achieve this, we conduct interventions within specific social groups and address the needs that promote healthy social interaction.

Consejería y Coordinación con Agencia
Brindamos consejería personalizada y coordinación con agencias para ofrecerte apoyo adicional y conectar contigo con recursos en la comunidad. Nuestros profesionales te asisten en la atención de tus precupaciones emocionales y sociales, y te orientan sobre los servicios y programas que pueden resultarte beneficioso.
Counseling and Agency Coordination
We provide personalized counseling and coordination with agencies to offer you additional support and connect you with community resources. Our professionals assist you in addressing your emotional and social concerns, and guide you on the services and programs that may be beneficial to you.

Therapy with Prescription Medications
En algunos casos, la terapia con medicamentos recetados pueden ser una parte importante del tratamiento para la salud mental. Nuestros piquiatras expertos evaluarán tu caso de manera individualizada y determinarán si la medicación es adecuada para ti.
Therapies with Prescribed Medication
In some cases, therapy with prescribed medication can be an important part of mental health treatment. Our expert psychiatrists will assess your case individually and determine if medication is suitable for you.
Specialized Services
Buprenorphine Treatment
Home Visit Program
Education and Prevention
IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program)

Buprenorphine Treatment
This effective medication is combined with psychological therapy and the support of certified doctors, counselors, and social workers to treat addiction to heroin and prescription medications with addictive potential.
Swipe to discover all our services

Buprenorphine Treatment
This effective medication is combined with psychological therapy and the support of certified doctors, counselors, and social workers to treat addiction to heroin and prescription medications with addictive potential.
Buprenorphine Treatment
This effective medication is combined with psychological therapy and the support of certified doctors, counselors, and social workers to treat addiction to heroin and prescription medications with addictive potential.

Home Visit Program
Si no puedes llegar a nuestras clínicas, APS ProClinics va a tu hogar. Servimos a pacientes que, debido a su condición física y/o mental, no pueden salir de su hogar.
Home Visit Program
If you can't make it to our clinics, APS ProClinics comes to you. We serve patients who, due to their physical and/or mental condition, are unable to leave their home.

Educación y Prevención
Nuestros educadores en salud mental te orientan sobre las condiciones de salud mental más comunes para aprender a detectarlas y tratarlas a tiempo.
Education and Prevention
Our mental health educators provide guidance on the most common mental health conditions, helping you learn to identify and address them in a timely manner.

IOP (Programa Intensivo Ambulatorio)
Ideal para quienes necesitan apoyo adicional con visitas regulares de profesionales en salud mental o apoyo adicional al salir del hospital.
Incluye sesiones grupales de mediodía con Terapia Cognitiva-Conductual para desarrollar habilidades interpersonales y gestionar los pensamientos o emociones de manera más efectiva.
IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program)
Ideal for those who need additional support with regular visits from mental health professionals or extra assistance after leaving the hospital.
It includes midday group sessions with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to develop interpersonal skills and manage thoughts or emotions more effectively.
Evaluate Your Mental Health
PHQ-9 Questionnaire
The PHQ-9 is a 9-question questionnaire that assesses the severity of major depressive symptoms over the past 2 weeks.
The results are not a definitive diagnosis. You should consult with a doctor to confirm your results and access therapy or medication.
Click to download

Health Plans We Accept:
If you don't have any of these plans, you can pay for our services privately and then request a reimbursement through your health plan.
- Triple S Vital
- PSM Vital
- FM Vital
- MMM Vital
- Triple S Advantage
- FM Comercial
- All Humana Commercial and Advantage products